Saturday, November 21, 2009


I needed to make a photograph about teenagers, so I asked Jelle. He is really cool here!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Some more shots I really like.


Last Friday we shot Dilan for the cover of a magazine. I made this sort of extra. I simply like it.
Thanx Dilan!


It has been a while since I last wrote anything. Main reason is the fact that I'm working my ass off. And in the same time moved my 'office'. I'm renting a place (office) in a building, where some 20 other creatives are working. It's such a relief to have my own place. It was hard work decorating and all, but I'm very pleased. Same time I changed my company name into 'Vincent Boon Photography'. So it's officially now:
Vincent Boon Photography
Spaarnestraat 11a
3522 VB, Utrecht

Last week my intern Els and I had some time to fool around with the camera. And she made this. What a 'COOL' guy. ........... I know,..... I should go to bed earlier.